AfterGlow Chorus is deep in rehearsals for our two special concerts Oakland on October 30th and November 6th called "Virtual Insanity: Mass Shootings & Madness of the Modern World." Ten years after the horrific mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, we honor and remember the victims of the growing number of mass shootings through the unique emotional power of music. The profound music in the concerts will explore a broad range of complex emotions, including grief, loss, anger, and healing. One of the moving songs that we will be singing is a cover "Change" by Christina Aguilera. This 2016 song is dedicated to the victims of the horrific Orlando Pulse gay nightclub mass shooting where 49 people were killed. Here some poignant words from the refrain of the song: "Waiting for a change to set us free
Waiting for the day when you can be you and I can be me
Waiting for hope to come around Waiting for the day when hate is lost and love is found Waiting for a change, Waiting for a change" We hope that you will be able to join us for these special concerts on October 30th and November 6th. A limited number of discounted tickets are selling quickly, so don't miss out!
Discounted Tickets Now On Sale
A limited quantity of Advance Tickets ($5 discount) are now on sale!