Singer Auditions
AfterGlow Chorus is always looking for talented, experienced singers interested in performing in a premier, chamber choir. AfterGlow has impressed audiences with its high level of excellence and musicianship.
Many of the choir's singers have studied music or sung in choirs in college, while others have significant singing experience via collegiate a cappella groups.​ Some of our singers include music teachers, college & graduate school students, educators, lawyers, medical professionals, tech engineers, scientists, as well as many others. All are committed to a high standard of musical excellence while also having fun in the process.
Our singers are drawn not only from Oakland, but throughout the East Bay as well as the overall San Francisco Bay Area (e.g., Alameda, San Leandro, Castro Valley, Richmond, Berkeley, Hayward, Emeryville, Orinda, Lafayette, Walnut Creek, and San Francisco).
​We are currently scheduling auditions for our Summer '25 concert program called "Healing & Heart" in honor of patients and caregivers (especially their families and friends). This special concert is meant to provide emotional comfort, solace, and healing for not only patients but also their loving caregivers. As we always do, we will be singing uplifting and powerful music from many different genres (e.g., classical, jazz, R&B, pop, etc.)​ As we always do, we will be singing uplifting and powerful music from many different genres (e.g., classical, jazz, R&B, pop, etc.)
Unlike most other choirs, AfterGlow rehearses in intensive, 4-week periods right before each concert. Prior to the first rehearsal, singers learn, study, and practice their parts on their own.
Rehearsals are very fast-paced due to the compressed schedule and high-caliber level of singers. Regular rehearsals are held at First Presbyterian Church of Oakland in the popular Uptown neighborhood in Oakland. The rehearsal location is very easily accessible by mass transit (e.g., BART). Many singers also carpool with each other. Free parking is also readily available.
Here is the accelerated rehearsal schedule (ALL REHEARSAL & CONCERT DATES ARE MANDATORY):​​​
Rehearsal #1: Monday 7/14 from 7 pm - 9:30 pm
Rehearsal #2: Wednesday 7/16 from 7 pm - 9:30 pm
Rehearsal #3: Monday 7/21 from 7 pm - 9:30 pm
Rehearsal #4: Wednesday 7/23 from 7 pm - 9:30 pm
Rehearsal #5: Monday 7/28 from 7 pm - 9:30 pm
Rehearsal #6: Wednesday 7/30 from 7 pm - 9:30 pm
Rehearsal #7: Monday 8/4 from 7 pm - 9:30 pm
Rehearsal #8: Wednesday 8/6 from 7 pm - 9:30 pm
Saturday 8/9 from 1 pm - 4 pm DRESS REHEARSAL @ St. Paul's Episcopal Church Oakland
Sunday 8/10 CONCERT #1 (Call Time 1:30 pm for 4 pm concert @ St. Paul's Episcopal Church Oakland
Saturday 8/16 (evening): CONCERT #2 (Call Time 5:30 pm for 8 pm concert @ St. Paul's Episcopal Church Oakland
The audition itself is simple and straightforward. You will be asked to sing any a cappella song of your choosing that you have prepared. There will also be some vocalizing and sight singing.
Unlike many other choirs, there are no fees or tuition to sing in the chorus in order to be as economically inclusive as possible for a variety of singers.